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Best Yoga Poses For Kids – 10 Fun and Easy Yoga Poses

By Tarun Yogi, | Last Updated 21 Nov, 2022 | Est. 8 Read Time

best yoga poses for kids

Yoga Poses for Kids

Yoga poses for kids are a wonderful method to enhance your child’s physical and emotional well-being. The best thing about yoga is that your child can practice it without any special abilities or knowledge. Isn’t it just incredible?

But once they begin performing these specifically chosen yoga positions, your children will adopt a yoga lifestyle. So, are you unsure about where to begin? Do not be concerned; we have you covered.

Here is a list of some recommended beginner yoga poses for kids. Let’s look at it!

Yoga For Kids

Corpse Pose (Savasana)

You can prepare your child by beginning with this simple yoga stance. They can unwind physically and mentally with its assistance. Your child will undoubtedly enjoy these first yoga poses for kids.


How to perform:

  • Start by lying on your back with your legs absolutely straight and your arms by your sides. The distance between the arms and the body must be at least six inches.
  • Put your eyes closed and unwind. Face your palms upward at all times.
  • As your body weight rests on the ground, breathe normally.
  • Exhale slowly and gently as you relax your body.

This position can be maintained by your youngster for up to 20 slow, even breaths.  It increases imagination, Improves your ability to concentrate, offers comfort, and reduces the signs and symptoms of anxiety in kids.

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Easy Sitting Pose (Sukhasana)

If you’re looking for yoga poses for kids, here is another one to explore. It is a simple sitting position that comprises sitting up straight and crossing one’s legs.


How to perform:

  • Straighten your back when you squat on the ground. Maintain a straight spine, neck, and head.
  • Cross your legs now with your knees pointing down.
  • There are two ways you can keep your hand. Either choose to keep your hands clasped at your heart’s center or keep them on your knees with your palms facing up.

It is advised to hold this position while meditating or for a few breaths. It improves focus, improves posture overall, strengthens back muscles, and encourages flexibility. It also helps the body relax.

Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

One of the best yoga poses for kids is the tree pose, which teaches young minds about the beauty of nature. Children frequently practice these yoga poses for kids since it is among the most popular.


How to perform:

  • Keep your hands at your sides and stand straight.
  • Lift the opposite foot with the knee extended as you now move your weight to that foot.
  • Put the raised foot on the thigh, shin, or ankle. Ensure that you are at ease in this position.
  • It’s time to raise your arms above your head and clasp them together.
  • Remember to look at the object around five feet away.

Before switching to the other leg, it is advised to hold the position for 30 to 60 seconds. It enhances creativity, enhances balance, improves posture, and develops the muscles in the core, hips, and glutes. When they start out in this posture, your child can become wobbly. Try to force them to stand with their backs against a wall in such circumstances.

Cat Pose (Marjaryasana)

When discussing yoga poses for kids, this should be at the top of the list. Due to the final shape’s resemblance to a cat, it is also a kid’s favorite. Isn’t it awesome?


How to perform:

  • Your hands and legs should be in a tabletop position as you bend.
  • Keep your toes curled and your knees directly underneath your hips. Don’t forget to maintain straight shoulders, wrists, and elbows.
  • Look at the ground with your head in a neutral position.
  • Exhale, raise your spine, and let your head fall to the floor. Keep your chin from tucking into your chest.
  • While taking a slow breath, release the pose in the original tabletop position.

It is advised to maintain this position for at least 15 to 30 seconds. But you can also maintain this position for however long it feels natural to you. It strengthens the deeper ‘core’ abdominal muscles and corrects sitting and standing postures, which is helpful for improving spinal fluid circulation.

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Due to the fact that it involves lying on the belly, the cobra stance is particularly enjoyable. This posture is recommended as a daily morning yoga position.


How to perform:

  • Laying on your stomach and face is a good place to start.
  • Placing your palms on either side of the torso, keep your feet flat on the ground.
  • Bring the hands under the shoulders at this point.
  • The body should now be raised into a cobra stance with the chin raised. Maintain abdominal engagement throughout the workout to safeguard the lower back.
  • As you maintain the posture, lean on your hands for support. Don’t apply undue pressure, though.

If they can maintain the position for 15 to 30 seconds, it is a useful yoga poses for kids. The body can then be gradually released, and it can return to lying down. This position develops the muscles in the chest, arms, back, and belly reduces stress, increases general happiness, fosters creativity, maintains the health of the intestines and lungs, and improves body posture.

Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana)

Kids love doing this yoga pose because they can hold it while flapping their legs like butterflies. Kids can practice this easy yoga stance on a daily basis.

Baddha Konasana

How to perform:

  • Start by sitting straight-legged with your legs spaced apart.
  • So that one-foot contacts the other, fold the legs now. Utilizing your hands, hold them.
  • Move your thighs and knees slowly downward while exhaling.
  • Now comes the enjoyable part: flutter the legs in the manner of a butterfly’s wings.
  • Maintain regular breathing patterns for inhaling and exhaling.
  • Release the position by slowing down, then stopping.

For the best results, maintain this position for a few breaths. It boosts imagination, tones the muscles in the legs and belly, improves digestion, aids in relaxation by reducing anxiety, and relieves headaches and weariness.

When performing these yoga poses for kids, don’t begin at a fast pace. Instead, request that they gradually quicken the pace.

Keep a blanket under your child’s legs if they have suffered a knee or groin injury in the interim to ease any pain.

Lion Pose (Simhasana)

With these entertaining, simple-to-execute animal poses, encourage your kids to practice yoga! Kids can appreciate the simple, easy-to-do yoga pose known as the Lion.


How to perform:

  • Let’s begin by assuming the hip-on-heels position.
  • Place your palms on your knees and take a breath, sticking out your tongue.
  • Maintain full peripheral vision while exhaling via your lips.

 The repetition of this yoga stance shouldn’t exceed five times. It promotes the health of the lungs and immune system, stretches the lungs, throat, and respiratory tract, lessens anger, anxiety, and stress, and is beneficial for an energetic youngster.

Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

This particular activity is regarded as one of the best yoga poses for kids. Their health will improve because of how simple and powerful it is.


How to perform:

  • As you raise your arms above your head, take a deep inhale.
  • Exhale now and bend your knees forward while maintaining parallel thighs to the floor.
  • It’s time to elevate your arms straight out in front of you. Remember to maintain a low tailbone and a long lower back.
  • Continue to breathe normally during the process.

As long as your child is at ease, hold this yoga position. However, avoid going over for more than a minute. The heart and digestive system operate better, the shoulders, hips, and spine remain strong and stable, and the thigh muscles and ankles are strengthened.

The Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

The best fundamental pose to use for all of your child’s standing poses is this one. Kids may practice Tadasana, a simple and entertaining yoga stance, every day.


How to perform:

  • Start by standing upright and separating your legs by a few inches.
  • Relax your shoulders and place your arm next to the body.
  • Start standing steadily while raising your arms above your head.

Holding this position while breathing slowly. For as long as your child feels comfortable, they can hold this position. It works wonders for posture improvement, strengthens the thighs, legs, and ankles, maintains the abdomen and hips firm, and encourages sound sleep.

Child’s Pose (Balasana)

The infant is naturally comforted by this yoga stance because it resembles the normal body position of a fetus in the womb. If done regularly, this yoga stance is incredibly grounding for young kids.


How to perform:

  • Let’s begin by getting down on your hands and knees.
  • Continue pulling the hips back toward the heels at this point.
  • To relax, you can raise your arms in front of your body.

For a few breaths, maintain this posture while relaxing your body. It is incredibly calming and relaxing, encourages overall stress reduction, gives a sense of grounding, encourages flexibility, maintains the ankles, legs, and hips strong, and relieves upper body tension. Keep it from being in your child’s hands for too long. If not, it can strain their neck.


Your child’s mind, body, and spirit will be calmed by yoga. It has a general relaxing impact on the mind. Yoga poses for kids should practice on a regular basis during a child’s formative years will help them develop their mental acuity, physical fitness, as well as—spiritual contact. This lovely exercise will improve body awareness while enhancing self-control and attention.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. How do you do yoga poses for kids?

    Using this basic yoga posture as your beginning point will assist you in preparing your child. With its guidance, they can relax both physically and mentally. Yoga positions for kids are surely enjoyable for your child.

  2. What type of yoga is best for children?

    Here are the 10 best yoga poses for kids are – Savasana, Sukhasana, Vrikshasana, Marjaryasana, Bhujangasana, Baddha Konasana, Simhasana, Utkatasana, Tadasana, Balasana.

  3. Is yoga okay for kids?

    Children of school age who exercise regularly and meditate have been proven to have improved physical and mental health (ages 6 to 12). Children who practice yoga have better balance, strength, endurance, and aerobic capacity. Children may benefit psychologically from yoga and meditation.

  4. How long should kids hold yoga poses?

    Yoga should always be performed by kids at their own pace and in accordance with their own skills. Nevertheless, depending on the child’s age, the general rule of thumb is that each pose should be kept for at least 10-15 seconds.

Tarun Yogi

Tarun Yogi

This post is made for an inspiration for everyone so that people get to know about the benefits of doing yoga.

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